Resources for Alberta Businesses
Explore our free resources for small business owners and entrepreneurs in rural Alberta.
Community Futures Lesser Slave Lake
Our Business Services & Loans
Want one-on-one business counseling? Connect with us for Business Coaching and Advice.
Ready for skills development? Check out our Business Training and Development.
We offer Business Loans and Lines of Credit for entrepreneurs who....
Want to start a new business?
Found a business to buy?
Ready to expand into new markets?
Need cash to seize an opportunity?
Young and business-minded?
Have a disability and a business idea?
Indigenous community-owned businesses? The Aboriginal Business Investment Fund can help.
Do you live in our region and want to beautify the inside or exterior of your business? Our Beautification Loan Program is here for you.
Are you a woman entrepreneur in Alberta? Get support with the Capital Growth Initiative.
Need a space for a team meeting or workshop? Learn about our Board Room Bookings.
Have an idea for a creative partnership? Learn about Community Economic Development opportunities.
Let's Love Local, Shop Local! Have your business listed for FREE in our local Business Directory.
Frequently Asked Questions
Find out if your business needs a GST number?
Looking for step-by-step guide for starting a business? Find it in How To Start a Business - A Checklist
Want to incorporate your business? Learn more about incorporating your business in Alberta.
Learn the advantages of incorporating your business.
Learn the advantages of a business partnership vs. a corporation.
Learn the advantages of a sole proprietorship.
Credit Scores: What? Why How?
What do you need to know before getting a loan?
More Useful Resource Links
General Business Resources
Canadian Business and Industry - Canadian business supports and information
SME Direct - Gain access to a wealth of small business information available through Industry Canada.
Bplans.com - Small Business Planning Centre offers an in-depth 'How To' start a business.
GoForth Institute - If you're looking to bolster your understanding of how to start, run or grow a successful and profitable business, learn GoForth Institute's 100 Essential Small Business Skills™ in only 10 hours conveniently delivered to your computer through streaming video and an option 400+ page resource curriculum book.
Entrepreneurs Kauffmann Foundations - Information on small business, finance, community development, international trade, entrepreneurship, enterprise development, and the economy.
Financial Performance Data - Market research data.
Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work - Employment site for Canadians with disabilities
Workink - a dedicated space for job postings by equity employers* offering inclusive employment.
Invention information - Innovation, Science and Economic Development in Alberta
FEDO - Francophone Economic Development Organizations
CDEA - Conseil de développement économique de l'Alberta
Alberta Employment Resources
Alberta Works - offers employment and career resources, training supports, Alberta job & career fairs, income support, and health benefits.
Alberta Export Expansion Program - Provides funding support to promote Alberta exports through outbound international business travel or bringing international buyers to Alberta.
Alberta/Canada Job Grant - Train the workers you need. The Alberta-Canada job grant can help fund training for your new or current employees.
Alberta Purchasing Connection (APC) - A convenient online tool for the tendering of public sector opportunities for goods, services and construction.
Alberta Self-employment Program - supports unemployed and marginally employed individuals who have a viable business idea and require additional training to become self-employed.
Citizenship and Immigration Canada - Express Entry Information for Employers - You can fill labour market shortages permanently with skilled foreign nationals.
Film and Television Tax Credit - Offers a refundable Alberta tax credit certificate on eligible Alberta production and labour costs to corporations that produce films, television series and other eligible screen-based productions in the province.
Regional Economic Development Services (REDS) - Specialists with local knowledge of the economic opportunities and challenges facing Alberta’s regions.
Youth Entrepreneurship Resources
BDC Entrepreneurs First - Business Development Bank of Canada's entrepreneurship opportunities.
Futurpreneur - Assisting young entrepreneurs to get their ideas off the ground, Youth Business offers programs and services that allow them to achieve economic independence, develop self-confidence, and fulfill their goals of self-employment.
The Youth Entrepreneur's Network - An online community that supports the needs of young entrepreneurs from around the world as they attempt to build and thrive in their own businesses.
Aboriginal Youth Business Council - AYBC helping to try and meet the needs of Aboriginal youth in Canada.
Indigenous Business Resources
Aboriginal Business Investment Fund - Helps Indigenous community-owned businesses capitalize on business development opportunities to improve socio-economic outcomes.
Aboriginal Women's Business Entrepreneurship Network (AWBEN)
Alberta Women Entrepreneurs Next Step Program for Aboriginal Women
Council for the Advancement of Native Development Officers (CANDO)
The Micropedia - This resource to learn more about microaggressions and their impact.
Apeetogosan (Métis) Developmental Inc. & Pinnacle Business Service Ltd.
Northeastern Alberta Aboriginal Business Association (NAABA)
National Aboriginal Capital Corporations Association (NACAA)
2SLGBTQIA+ Business and Inclusivity Resources
Beyond Diversity - An LGBT Best Practice Guide for Employers - by Great Place to Work and Pride at Work Canada
Building the evidence base about economic, health, and social inequities faced by LGBTQ2S+ individuals in Canada - Phase 1 Report - Women and Gender Equality Canada
Building the evidence base about economic, health, and social inequities faced by LGBTQ2S+ individuals in Canada - Phase 2 Report - Women and Gender Equality Canada
Building the evidence base about economic, health, and social inequities faced by LGBTQ2S+ individuals in Canada - Phase 3 Report - Women and Gender Equality Canada
Creating Authentic Spaces - A gender identity and gender expression toolkit to support the implementation of institutional and social change.
Know Your Rights - A Guide for LGBTQ2+ Employees by Pride at Work Canada
Hiring Across All Spectrums - A Report on Broadening Opportunities for LGBTQ2+ Jobseekers
Lead with Pride - Best Practices for Advancing 2SLGBTQIA+ Leadership
LGBTQ2S+ voices in employment - Labour market experiences of sexual and gender minorities in Canada.
The Micropedia - This resource to learn more about microaggressions and their impact.
Pay Gaps, Precarity, And Prejudice - New Evidence on LGBTQ2S+ Employment in Canada - Women and Gender Equality Canada
Summary of evidence about economic, health and social inequities faced by LGBTQ2S+ individuals in Canada - 2022 Final Report - Women and Gender Equality Canada
Transitioning Employers - A Survey of Policies and Practices for Trans-inclusive Workplace
Government of Alberta Business Resources
Government of Canada Business Resources
Business Education & Other Resources