Community Futures Lesser Slave Lake Region is committed to supporting local businesses and workforce to build, grow, and succeed in our community by leading the Youth Opportunities Unencumbored (YESS/YOU) in the Slave Lake Region.
What is YESS/YOU?
The YESS/YOU is an initiative to pilot economic diversification strategies that focus on community-led supports that focus on upskilling and reskilling, wrap-around supports, and work placements for youth from marginalized communities.

How the YESS/YOU Program Works
The YESS/YOU Program is looking for both employers looking to hire and workers who are looking for a new job. The project is focused on youth (18-30 years) workers whose identify factors are from marginalized communities (Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour, 2SLGBTQIA+, newcomers, official language minority groups (French), persons with disabilities, and women.
Employers are supported by obtaining wage subsidies (up to $2400 per new employee) their new employees and new employee participants are eligible for wrap-around supports that can include coaching, transportation, childcare, technology, additional training etc.
This program supports employers and employees who have joined the program after October 1, 2024.
The YESS/YOU team will work with both employers and workers to find a suitable job placement match. There are several events planned to meet your match so register to be part of YESS/YOU today
Additional support for employers and workers will be available with social justice training, climate resources, mentorship opportunities, and regular check-ins.
We're Connecting Employers And Workers
The objective of YESS/YOU is to create real, long-lasting change in the Slave Lake Region by supporting employment opportunities and removing barriers for both marginalized youth communities and local employers.
Employers can be eligible for up to $2,400 in wage subsidies per employee hired.
Employees can be eligible for wrap-around support and professional development opportunities.
Learn More About the Benefits
Have Questions? Want to Learn More?
If you would like more information or would like to participate in YESS/YOU, please contact our Program Manager Cleo Clarifelle at cleo@cflslr.com or complete the form below to request a callback.
Phone: 1-780-849-3232
E-mail: cleo@cflslr.com
YESS/YOU Program Has Been Made Possible By:
Employers supports will be delivered by Community Futures Lesser Slave Lake, and is funded by the Government of Canada’s Youth Employment Skills Strategy program.