Presented by Wendy Muise, from Ground Floor Labs
In this Marketing Lunch & Learn series, we will teach you design and posting strategies for Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Not all platforms are created equally, making developing successful social media habits tricky. We'll talk about how and when to post on the platforms and whom you will likely reach with based on your actions.
Participants can come to our office in our conference room to watch the presentation. (Maximum of 8 participants). However, others can watch her virtual presentation live and the Zoom Link will be sent to your inbox one day prior to the event.
Pizza Lunch will be provided for all in-person attendees.
Monday, March 27, 2023
From 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm MST
Online via Zoom link
Alternatively, you can choose to attend live in person at the Community Futures office in our conference room (maximum of 8 participants).
Open to all residents in our Lesser Slave Lake Region including High Prairie to Slave Lake to Wabasca and everything in between!
Have Questions?
If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to our Office Manager Divine by phone or email listed below: Phone: 1-780-849-3232 E-mail:
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